The Maxwell Institute Graduate School in Analysis and its Applications (MIGSAA) is a Centre for Doctoral Training, funded by EPSRC, SFC and the two institutions involved, Heriot-Watt University and the University of Edinburgh.
It recruited about 65 PhD students over 5 yearly intakes (Sept 2014 – Sept 2018) in the areas of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications interpreted broadly, with the needs of both academia and industry/commerce as beneficiaries in mind. The final cohort of students on the programme are expected to finish in 2022-23.
MIGSAA is a joint venture between the two institutions under the aegis of the Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences. The degree programme is jointly administered between the two universities; as such students is registered at both and will receive a PhD jointly awarded by the two institutions. Students are trained across the broad spectrum of Analysis and its Applications, including theoretical analysis, PDEs, stochastic analysis, numerics and appropriate areas of applied mathematics.
Students in this programme occupied office space during their first year of study at a site in central Edinburgh on the premises shared with the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences. There they received advanced instruction in all relevant topics by staff from both institutions as well as leading academic visitors, benefiting from interactions with other students and the excellent scientific atmosphere created by ICMS.
In addition, due to MIGSAA’s strong links with industry, there are opportunities to meet and potentially undertake projects with some of the largest companies hiring PhDs in this field.
MIGSAA is overseen by the advisory board, chaired by Tony Kinghorn from Selex. Current members of the board are:
- Prof Herbert Koch - Mathematical Institute of the University of Bonn
- Prof Jill Pipher - Brown University
- Prof Gui-Qiang Chen - University of Oxford and Director EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Partial Differential Equations: Analysis and Applications
- Prof Raffaella Ocone - School of Engineering & Physical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University
- Prof Beatrice Pelloni - Head of the School of Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Heriot-Watt University
- Prof Iain Gordon - Head of the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh
- Katharine Moore - Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)
- Prof Tony Carbery - MIGSAA Director
- Prof Dugald Duncan - MIGSAA Deputy Director
- Prof Gabriel Lord - MIGSAA Industrial Liaison
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